Wednesday 23 May 2012

One of the important things for career development is PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT.
Employee performance management is the process of involving employees in accomplishing your agency’s mission and goals.
Employee performance management includes:  planning work and setting goals, monitoring performance, developing capacity, reviewing performance, and rewarding good work.

Performance Management Cycle

Stages of Performance Management

      Stage 1 – Planning
          Work goals
Performance planning at the start of the year and then periodically is the core of the performance management process.  The performance plan should be a written document.
          Performance results – the what
        Performance outcomes or standards – from job description
        Performance objectives for the next time period
          Performance behavior – the how
        Competencies, performance factors,  or behavior expectations
          Development objectives

MBO is a system in which specific performance objectives are jointly determined by subordinates and their superiors, progress toward objectives is periodically reviewed, and rewards are allocated on the basis of this progress.

      Stage 2/3 – Monitor and Develop
          Adjust goals

Daily performance management!
Monitoring includes measuring performance and giving feedback.  Two way communications between the manager and employee throughout the performance period is critical to the performance management process. 

Daily performance management
          Feedback and coaching – informal
          Monitoring and tracking performance against standards and progress toward goals.
          Quarterly performance planning and performance discussions
          Development through coaching, training, challenging or visible assignments, improving work processes

Stage 4 – Review
          At least annually

The formal process of documenting results the employee has achieved and behaviors and/or competencies displayed should occur at least once a year.   


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