Tuesday 29 May 2012

~ conclusion ~
system that allows a business to streamline the administration of employee benefits. In many cases, employees and new hires may electronically enroll in benefit plans. They may also have the capability of logging onto the system to monitor and update their current coverage throughout the year, changing status, dependent information and contact data as required. A self-service system allows for benefits to be efficiently administered with as little manpower as possible, saving an organizations time and money.

finally!!! 4 months just a short period to learn all about HRIS. Less than 3 weeks we will face our final exam. To be honest, after I've attend 1st class for this subject, feel like want to drop cause too many things request from Dr. Naha. Blog, CPD, assignment, presentation, fuhhh...make me want to cry.
But now, I'm done. Malaysia Boleh!

~live hell @ live well, we choose!~

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Role of Technology in Supporting Performance

The Web
ü  Online performance appraisal forms
ü  Administration and analysis of full-circle feedback or other types of customer input
ü  Creation of self-paced learning program to help managers understand PMS eg: University of California
ü  Creation of individual scorecards that cascade companywide balanced scorecards.

Third-Party Vendors
Ø  Administration of competency and skills databases.
Ø  Tracking completion of performance appraisals.
Ø  Technology-driven databases of performance objectives and language to provide timely and meaningful feedback are available.

I like this topic!!!!! ERP Providers related with my daily job basis....^.^

ERP Providers
v  Manage and track performance management
          e.g.: PeopleSoft’s Workforce Analytics module tracks companywide performance against a balanced scorecard and calculates retention probabilities for individuals, groups and departments, using performance criteria and output as one of the key variables.


** Role of Technology in Supporting Performance**
Payroll oh payroll. Our next topic!! J

The Payroll Process
         Many companies often merge payroll and HR
         The payroll process maintains records of payroll taxes, fringe benefits, attendance/absence, time worked and employee paychecks
         The payroll process is generally automated because computers are much faster at handling the repetitive computations necessary (payroll is also the most frequently outsourced application in accounting)
         Current HR software reaches far beyond simply doing payroll and includes:
        Benefits admin, applicant tracking/processing, skills inventories and compliance reporting
         Much of HRM is NOT captured by GAAP
        But accountants must recognize the immense value of human capital and its effect on the long-term financial health of the organization

The Payroll Process

         Payroll generally falls under the controller’s office with the treasurer participating in distributing paychecks

Payroll Data and Flows

         Tax rates data
        Contains current tax rates (federal, state, county and city) for employee withholding and employer accruals
         Attendance time record
        Lists hours employee are at the job site available for work; usually kept on time card
         Job time records
        Start and stop times for particular jobs for direct labor distribution

Federal Payroll Tax Reports

         941 (report of FICA taxable wages)
         W-2 (employee wage and tax statement)
         1099 (reports non-salary income)
         Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) reports (reports on private pension fund assets management)

Payroll System Controls

         Segregation of duties between HR (employee record creation), payroll (prepares payroll) and AP/cashier (disburses cash)
         Direct deposit (eliminates opportunity for check fraud)
         Review of employee master data for duplicate names and/or social security numbers
         Comparison of actual payroll to budget


One of the important things for career development is PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT.
Employee performance management is the process of involving employees in accomplishing your agency’s mission and goals.
Employee performance management includes:  planning work and setting goals, monitoring performance, developing capacity, reviewing performance, and rewarding good work.

Performance Management Cycle

Stages of Performance Management

      Stage 1 – Planning
          Work goals
Performance planning at the start of the year and then periodically is the core of the performance management process.  The performance plan should be a written document.
          Performance results – the what
        Performance outcomes or standards – from job description
        Performance objectives for the next time period
          Performance behavior – the how
        Competencies, performance factors,  or behavior expectations
          Development objectives

MBO is a system in which specific performance objectives are jointly determined by subordinates and their superiors, progress toward objectives is periodically reviewed, and rewards are allocated on the basis of this progress.

      Stage 2/3 – Monitor and Develop
          Adjust goals

Daily performance management!
Monitoring includes measuring performance and giving feedback.  Two way communications between the manager and employee throughout the performance period is critical to the performance management process. 

Daily performance management
          Feedback and coaching – informal
          Monitoring and tracking performance against standards and progress toward goals.
          Quarterly performance planning and performance discussions
          Development through coaching, training, challenging or visible assignments, improving work processes

Stage 4 – Review
          At least annually

The formal process of documenting results the employee has achieved and behaviors and/or competencies displayed should occur at least once a year.   

The next topic is regarding Recruitment and Staffing. This topic was about recruit and selection new staff in organization.
As per explanation by Dr. Naha,
*        Recruitment is the process of attracting , screening and selecting qualified people for a position in an organization
*        Staffing is the process of selecting and train individuals for specific job functions and charging them with the associated responsibilities.

Five must have in terms of recruitment:

  •  Streamline the recruitment process, reducing administration time and duplication of effort.
  • Build a highly functional database, capturing information their potential talent tool.
  •  Integrated online recruitment with internal HR information systems, including payroll.
  • Ensure an efficient and user friendly experience for candidates.
  • Present a consistent and professional approach and process across all offices.

E-Recruitment system is the online job application and processing system for employers to advertise their job opening and for candidates to submit their application via the internet.

Impact of Online Recruitment on Recruitment Objectives

  •  Speed of filling job vacancies
  • Cost of filling job openings
  •  Retention Rates
  •  Psychological Contract Fulfillment
  • Quantity, Quality and Diversity of Applicants

2 main objectives why this system was develop:
1) To help the human resource management to find the right people to fill the job vacancies in organization
2) To decrease employee’s turnover

Objectives of Recruitment Process
*         Cost
*         Speed of filling up vacancies
*         Psychological contract fulfillment
*         Satisfaction and retention rates
*         Quality and quantity of applicants
*         Diversity of applicants

Technology issues
       Validity  and security issues
       Changes to environment n tools
       Resource capabilities
       Delivery and systems architectures

Implications on Management
  1. HR administration can decrease their burden because the more focusing to particular field and position
  2. Management to be cost effective and efficient
  3. Online recruitment and selection may permits administration to cast a wide net across a broad labor market and more likely to reach high-quality applicants.
  4. Administration can easily update all the information via using on this system.

Recruitment Strategies and Social Networking
*         Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn, Jobstreet
*         SHRM
*         Increased used
*         No formal policy
*         Passive applicants
*         Cannot be used to screen applicants
*         Negative information 

** Recruiting and Staffing**